The Garden of Words is a beautifully animated anime movie of only 40 minutes in length. The story covers the life of a young high school student who skives off of school whenever it rains, he always goes to the park to work towards his dream of being a cobbler. While there he meets a young woman in her mid twenties and the whole film is about how they interact and how there lives are intertwined in such a small world.
The backgrounds speak for themselves on the level of talent, animation, and art that went into them, when i first watched this animation i had to question wether or not it was cinematography because of the amount of detail that went into the CGI. From the textures and the lighting it creates a world that we are drawn into because it is not only animated but it has a sense of realism, this could be in part to the setting being modern day tokyo so we can relate easily to the setting being that of a city. But even though its set in a city we see so much greenery from the park in the middle of the city and the park bench represents their own little world.
The rain is a melancholic thing as well as a joyful thing, the rain represents the two main characters connection to each other with dark gloomy days as well as summer showers showing the variety of ways they live out their lives and there emotions.
While i don't plan on making any scenery of this quality i want to try and portray the life and almost try and aim for a semirealistic style for some of my drawings as i want to be able to do what the brief is asking of us , environmental storytelling, to tell a story with these scenes, just like garden of words does.
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