Tuesday 9 February 2016

Visual Language - Enviromental Story Telling

This is our latest brief focusing on backgrounds and scenery. We are to draw at three different places with a minimum of 5 drawings, 2 exterior 1 interior, or vice versa. We are to consider why we have drawn there, what we might draw, how we might draw, media, lighting,shadows, tone colour, texture, shape, composition and perspective. We are also asked to consider wether or not there are some stories behind the place, all to add context to the space being drawn and to engage the audience.

I am both looking forward to this brief yet not looking forward to it as scenery is something i wish to improve upon, in all aspects, especially when it comes to composition, textures and perspective. But its because I'm not very confident in my talents in backgrounds that I'm a little apprehensive with the brief as i want to still be able to produce a high quality of work that i can feel personally proud with. I plan to take this brief as a chance to work on my skills and take them further.

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