Thursday, 12 May 2016

Applied Animation - Sound

Because of the time restrictions i fell under and how i was so disorganised with this project i never pursued anything in the way of sound choices. i knew what the sort of music i was looking for, something that had pacing and felt like its travelling like the camera in my animation. I was intending to contact one of the students from Leeds college of music but i had never done this before so i kept putting it on hold as i didn't know how they would of responded or if there was a protocol for requesting help from the students there, but i never thought to ask about it. but i was going to have one remix and change the Eragon soundtrack from the movie so that it began and ended concisely but unfortunately this never happened.

So a week before deadline which was too late to ask for this request by then, my classmate made me listen to the ending of 'Civil War' from the Captain America vs Ironman movie and while i personally could care less about the movie (not my kinda thing) the last thirty seconds of the song could be used in my animation as it is a repetition of the same pattern of notes as they ascend in pitch gradually and like all super hero movies it obviously has an epic feel to it so i think it will do for going with my animation.

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