Friday, 13 May 2016

Maya - Modelling a Pencil

After modelling the maya truck we were required to create an object of our own choosing using thew skills we learned. I initially wanted to make a computer mouse but i wasn't able to get the hang of the bevel tool to make the curves so i quickly gave up on it.

I returned to it with the intention to make a pencil, but this one was a mechanical pencil, so it was simple enough with the cylindrical shape but the tip and end both had small details that might go on missed, specifically the indentations on the nib where you hold the pencil and the connecting parts of the pencil handle. This is a good example of me enjoying maya because i understand how to model simple objects and apply textures but it took a little bit of trial and error with the bevelling that i eventually got used to it and how it translates with the faces, vertices and edges.

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