Thursday, 30 March 2017

Responsive - Autism awareness

I had plans to do the Autism awareness brief from D and AD however in the end i abandoned it.

I initially wanted to do it because when Steve showed it to me as an example i found it to be an interesting topic, i wasn't sure why, maybe the concept of struggling and wanting to be seen for your merits and abilitys and not your disabilities resonated with me to some degree. I had even found out that later on two of my friends had been confirmed autistic and i had never realised so i wanted to make it to help them in some fashion because in recent years career sheets have been making it a requirement to write that you have autism as a disability and because people don't understand what it is, they get immediately written off.
This was the other factor i wanted to do it for, to raise awareness for myself. Like most people i didn't understand either what autism was and how it affected people, nor to what degrees it can go to on the spectrum.

My reasoning for abandoning the brief was that i had run out of time. It had gotten to the point that if i started on the project i would of had a month, and i didn't feel i would be able to do the brief justice, or to the degree of respect i wanted to give the topic within a one month time scope, on top of that i had just started Applied and our topic was covering alzhiemers so it was two very heavy and sensitive subjects that were effecting my overall mood and personality so i abandoned the brief.

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