Monday 9 November 2015

Apply - Further StoryBoards

 While i started to draw my animation i had realised that there were still certain scenes that could be changed, and that i could of added stage notes and directions as well. with the below storyboard i altered it to tell the actions of the characters more obviously, in the third panel i separated them more to show them moving away from each other and in the fourth panel i was able to move her forward making it seem like she was catching up with the train, i also removed the backgrounds as it was still a simple animation. In the final scene i brought her forward so that the girl could run and collapse closer to the screen and i changed the angle of the last shot to keep the flow smooth and fluid.
I came up with another storyboard, that i decided to go with in the end. This storyboard uses one camera angle to keep the animation simple. with no camera angle changes i can focus on the animation and the animating of the characters. This storyboard also follows the female character completely not focusing on the male character at any point at all.

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