Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Identify - PES

PES is a stop motion/pixelation company that create entertaining short animations using, most often, food or centred around a theme of food.
The above is their guacamole animation where they make the condiment using unconventional items, mixed in with stop motion. They created a smooth animation using stop motion with fluid transitions of the items while still looking like a stop motion and pixelation.
Western spaghetti is one of my favourites as the transformation of food objects into other objects after being 'cooked' or 'chopped' as well as what objects they use in place of food which don't have to look like the food they are mimicking just have to act like the ingredients.

PES's animations are generally witty and clever and wether they have meaning behind them is open to opinion, but honestly, as they have made an animation which is literally a pee-nut.

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