Friday, 6 November 2015

Identify - Motion comics

Motion comics are a type of animatic that makes use of comic book panels and illustrations and turn them into animations. They are more detailed than story board animatics but a lot simpler than animations.

The motion comic above is more of just an example as I've never had much of an interest in DC (or Marvel) but what i like is the presentation of the story and how it is layed out, it uses basic animation with detailed comic book art style with sharp, strong shadows and very complicated and detailed illustrations something that isn't always possible in animations due to time and development.

While i see it as something quite good on one hand, on the other hand it is very plain because the animation isn't fantastic as characters don't move naturally, they stay fixed rigid in a pose which takes away the immersion and enjoyment a little and i have mixed feelings towards the combination of text and voice acting as one or the other seems redundant if the other is up.

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