Thursday, 22 October 2015

Identify - 3D Printed Sculptures

This film shows 3D sculptures made using a 3D printer (John Edmark), spun at high speed which in turn creates the illusion that the sculptures are flowing like liquid. Now most would probably say its not animation but i feel differently about it, it reminds me of the zoetropes which were spun in order to make an animation which is what this is, its a 3D zoetrope. Animation doesn't have to be on a screen or a flat image as stop motion works with 3D models and moves on to 2D, flip books are a type of animation and aren't on screens either, animation is making something move and come to life which, spinning these models, does.

I really like how the models animation moves so smoothly and subtly as if you could dip your hand into it, giving a sense of wonder to it adding to the illusion that is seen. I also like its simplicity, wether its because it had to be that simple for the illusion to work or it was an aesthetic decision, the artist and mathematician looked to the natural world to bring this fantasy to us.

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