Saturday, 10 October 2015

Telling Stories - Initial Story Boarding

These are my initial drawings of the story boards, along with my sketches i add the 'stage' directions below, action directions on the panel, sound underneath the panels as well as notes on changes that i want to make on the final story boards.
There were a couple of changes i wanted to make on the first two panels; the characters were too small on the first one which doesn't show enough detail on the characters. With the second panel the boat is a little odd, i wanted to try and get the idea that the boat was a beautiful pea green boat so i added the orbs to look like jewels but it looked really odd as it didn't make it look 'beautiful' in the slightest so i dropped it in all the future panels.
In this storyboard, in comparison to the previous that needed changes after they were drawn, the forth image was changed from the original rough sketch, i zoomed in on the bag for an extreme close up which removed the owls jumping in shock from the scene and focuses entirely on the bag being opened. On the fifth frame is all the same except for the owl now jumps in response to the previous scene on this frame and then starts rowing because i wanted the owl to be a little embarrassed and concerned that he might of been seen day dreaming.
I want to alter the sitting position of the cat in the first scene and tilt her head either up or down to show more of a struggle and strain to open up her honey, swaying tail with ruffled, spiked hair. several scenes are missing the cats bag and the money that they took, so that needs to be added in.
As there are only two scenes on this story board there weren't any scenes i wanted, needed or had to alter or change.

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