Saturday, 10 October 2015

Telling Stories - Maxime Rebiere Wings of Courage

 Maxime Rebiere (missing some accents on the e's as i don't know how to add them) is a french illustrator and storyboard artist who has worked on many (mainly french) movies. The images here were drawn for the movie storyboard, 'Wings of Courage', the director for the movie, Jean-Jacques Amaud, asked him to work with colour to create a more realistic, movie feel resulting in a gouache piece of work.

As pretty much all, bar a few lines of colour, storyboards I've seen so far have been grayscale or line, its interesting to see the colour panels and i think they work really well as images and falling under the title of concept art as well as showing what the director had asked for but if they were for an animated film and were kept as rougher, rendered sketches i think they would have left much more freedom for the animators due to the lesser/minimal details in each panel, (however i know that this wasn't an animated film so its rather irrelevant, and that the director specifically asked for painted storyboards anyway.)

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