Tuesday 6 October 2015

Telling Stories - My Posted Note Storyboard

This is the establishing shot of the storyboard, it introduces the characters and shows the surrounding scene and setting. The was originally the second scene but was move forward as it fitted into the story better while still showing all the surroundings.
 The second scene shows the owl helping the cat into the boat, in this scene the cat is showing its appreciation for the assistance with a smile this scene also shows the beautiful pea green boat.
 Third scene shows the inside of the boat as well as a sitting position for the cat and an over the head shot of the owl, also more use of arrows to show directions and actions in one scene.
 A combination of an extreme close up, of the hand, and a close up of the torso and face, showing the grabbing action and expression of the owl. i like how, in this scene theres more emphasis on the owl as well as showing more of the owls details and features.
 Extreme close up, solely of the hand to focus on the rowing motion that hands make, the camera would follow the hand back and forth as it rowed. This shot is very different to the previous shots as it doesn't feature a characters face or torso meaning the whole character isn't needed to explain the current action.
the sixth frame in comparison to the last is another extreme shot but an extreme long shot, showing the owl rowing the boat off into the distance. The boat will gradually get smaller as it goes along into the horizon.
 This frame was originally the first frame, establishing the scenery over the characters, showing the boat and the ocean. instead it now shows the boat slowly rowing on scene and stopping in the ocean. This scene will show the entirety of the characters situation, the two of them alone with ocean as far as the eye can see.
The camera focuses on the cat who rests her head on her paw and looks out into the ocean the camera slowly zooms in on her face as she does. I want to try and show the cat to look as feminine as possible in this shot because its supposed to be appealing and the love of the owls life.
Mimicking the previous frame the camera slowly zooms in on the owl as the owl rests on his hand but instead of looking at the sea he looks at the cat. i want to make the owl look love struck in some form.
Sudden cut back to the cat opening its bag, this causes the owl to jump in shock as his senses are brought back. This shot centres on the bag, making it the centre of the image and the main focal point.
A side shot of the owl grabbing the oars and frantically restarting its rowing with an embarrassed and inquisitive expression.
Lifts the honey out of the bag wrapped up in a five pound note. The camera follows the honey out of the bag. Goes back to being focused on the bag and honey.
Mid shot of the cat trying to open the honey jar, the cat struggles to open it and pulls a frustrated and strained face. This scene shows a negative expression which hadn't appeared yet in the story which had a very positive out look i  general.
Owl offers to open the honey for the pussy cat with a pitying/concerned face while finding the whole thing entertaining. The owl extends his hand and the cat passes the jar over. Mid shot of the body with a close up shot for the hand.
Owl opens the jar off screen shown by a loud POP sound while the cat sits in a closed off embarrassed pose. Afterwards the owl hands the honey back after the pop sound has finished. The cat takes the honey, sheepishly.
She starts to eat the honey and the camera follows the paw from the jar to the mouth showing the cats joy and satisfaction from the food.
Switch back to the owl who is relaxing into a regular rowing rhythm and looks up to the sky and the moon. The camera gradually zooms into the moon.
The owl props the oars down and reaches behind him for his guitar bringing it round. He then stands up and readys for a song. Higher angle from above.
The owl begins to play his guitar and starts to sing his song. The camera begins to pan around across the boat.
It pans over to the cat still eating her honey enjoying the owls singing and guitar playing. The camera then zooms out to an extreme long shot of the sea zooming out till the sound of the music vanishes and only the sound of the sea is heard.

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