Monday 11 January 2016

Visual Langauge - Captain Character further development

After working with the triangle shapes i went with a thin and slender design as it shows a more sinister and snide character to my Lord of the undead as he needs a skinny build to show his physical weakness and his character is one thats powerful and foreboding but could quite easily be taken out.

I started to draw out the head at the wrong time doing it too soon, before my fully developed body shape of my character. So i continued the development of the characters design adding appendages and slight details, such as wings, arms, mist and tentacles. I found i liked the misty lower body as it fitted with the uncertainty of his true nature and in animation sense it could lead to a lot more freedom of movement. I also really like the slackened and lowered arms, he has hunched shoulders and long elongated arms showing more of his weakened character.

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