Surprisingly difficult to find a picture of hades full body from disneys 'Hercules' this was the best i could do, i really wanted a gif showing the movement of his lower half but oh well.
Im looking at hades as he is a character with a constantly flowing and moving body he also has an interesting transition of a solid body to a fluid body as its not a part of his physical body but his robes which appear to be producing the smoke, compared to my character where the smoke is directly connected to the body.
His design is also different to mine in the sense of his is a full body with smoke coming from the base while mine has smoke coming from the waist, roughly, but that is his core and the centre of where the smoke comes from but it doesn't look out of place and they merge seamlessly well together unlike my attempts. i think this is because the smoke works around the solids and not independent of it.
I think a better example of an ethereal yet solid being would be eris from 'Sinbad and the seven seas' she was also a villain and a god, well goddess, whose lower half was more mist and smoke than legs, however her body also seems to make smoke from the waist down but like hades it appears to be from her dress. She does have scenes which show her legs and she also has scenes where even her top half is smoke making her i feel closer to a serpentine creature.
I guess this blog post was just a chance for me to see what other characters that made use of smoke looked like,how they worked and to understand how to establish a connection between the solid body and the ethereal smoke, and that would be for the smoke to work around the solid and to not be too independent of it as if it was a separate entity, in the case of my characters design.
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