Wednesday 27 January 2016

Visual Language - Captain Character, Dark crystal

Well this was weird. Due to my characters design i was told that it looked a lot like the Skesis from the movie Dark Crystal. These were very twisted and disturbing creatures with crooked personalities and backs with blemishes, warts, scars and a variety of imperfections that make them terrifying. This is all amplified by the tone in their voices which is like broken sand paper, their voice boxes obviously never seeing a glass of water before. Their most terrifying aspect is their behaviour, sour, bitter and cruel with selfish motivations and attitudes.

After that they don't sound to much like my character but they are both selfish characters with bird beaks and hunched backs wearing cloaks. The actual placement of these characters in the story of Dark Crystal was really unclear to me, actually i didn't follow any of the story there was never really anything big about it or unique (in the story) the puppetry and chaacters designs were very interesting however while being disgusting and terrifying.

I didn't know about this film before hand when designing Count Bratkowski it was very surprising and frustrating to realise that there was ANOTHER character design that looked like mine already out there (oh the unintentional, borderline plagiarism is strong in this character) its possible this comes from my character being very reminiscent of the plague doctors, with their long masks and beaks with black hoods and its just such an iconic image that its been worked to the bone, maybe, so everything thats has taken inspiration from it just looks like each other.

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