Friday, 11 March 2016

Environmental Storytelling - Animation Backgrounds, Sleeping Beauty

Sleeping Beauty has some really interesting backgrounds as it was highly stylised when disney went back to their fairytales. The back grounds were designed by Eyvind Earle who worked to devise stylised backgrounds based on medieval tapestries and Renaissance paintings. The characters were then further developed to fit into these backgrounds so they merged seamlessly with it. The over elaborate backgrounds can however be seen as almost too complicated, resulting in losing the characters in the world around them While they may of gotten lost in the backgrounds i can't help but love the detail and almost cut out style of the sceneries, they make use of simple shapes with exquisite details within it.

The fact that the backgrounds took inspiration from the medieval period and renaissance puts us into a time period fitting for the story. It tells us that this world is very much of a time long long ago. If they had been drawn realistically in various other styles would we think of medieval times in England, possibly not as the style informs us of a time lost to us that is both familiar but different.

The overall style means that there is a very interesting view of perspective with it being more layered images, similar to being a parallax image. I will try to apply a similar style to some of my environmental drawings, specifically my woodland drawings so they are reminiscent of the scenery from the movie.

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