Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Environmental Storytelling - Victoria Quarter developed pieces

 These are my final set of developed drawings from the Environmental Storytelling task. They are the ones from the Victoria Quarter and were the last ones i worked on and o think a few of the m are some of my most interesting.

 This was actually a really fun drawing to do as i could incorporate my understanding of perspective but then purposely warp and twist it to become almost like a looney tunes background with its wacky and twisted angles. Bright lines in pen with light pencil crayons coloured in, making what feels to be a really satisfying image as its possible to tell where it is but it has its own uniqueness and identity because it was warped. I like to think that a wacky background reflects the wacky personalities of characters, like with the looney tunes.

This is one of my two digitally drawn images. I wanted to use flat colours on the image while still showing the depth of the scene. It was a bit strange to have the lines just stop but i liked it, it reminded me of the scenes in movies where theres a white border around a dream or memory and the edges just fade into nothing.

I both dislike and like this image. I dislike it because of the colours, they're poorly blended together looking very fake and lifeless. the perspective on the walls felt about right but the floor and the piano threw it off making it look out of place and very flat. My reasons for liking this image however is the composition and the idea i had behind it. I imagined a very ethereal scene with faded lines and the white piano had an almost mystical aura to it giving it a sense of spirit. This was purely from how i viewed scene i also avoided adding much detail to the surrounding area as i wanted the focus to be the piano.
These final two are two of my favourite of the drawings from Victoria. I this was a really roughly drawn image with not much emphasis on the retreating background, but this was because i wanted to focus on the large fore ground. The white and reds are soft colours and they helped bring forward the foreground more by sopping the image from looking flat which is what i feared could happen. It doesn't feel as busy as my other drawings as well. Th softer colours and the white space give a very calm feeling to the scene.

My final image turned out well. it was done in water colours and is the entrance to one of the shops in Victoria quarter. There was a lot of browns and glass so i decided to change the bro
wns to more golden brown to be more appealing and inviting and the glass had muted yellows and browns instead of hints of blue to show the glass. The perspective in the image is very slight i think its surprisingly accurate drawing you ion the entrance way of this golden shop, the mannequins look like mysterious ethereal figures in the windows. I guess i do see Victoria as an almost other worldy place with its fancy shops and swooping architecture.

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