Tuesday 15 March 2016

Environmental Storytelling - Middleton Woods

The second place i went was called Middleton woods. A place on the outskirts of Leeds around its Suburban areas. The woods were a brief 15 minutes away by bus and it was nice to be in a place that reminded me of the countryside. I wanted to draw natural scenery for my exterior because i knew my interior drawings will all be obviously man made structures, so i wanted to get a balance, however i hate drawing trees... Because theres no human input i there structure they were very erratic with lines that went every where so the drawings were mostly really rough and quick sketches. Perspective is something very awkward to work with with natural forms as they don't have any right angles or sharp corners meaning the depth perception with the perspective mostly comes down to guess work.

This is my favourite of the drawings as it show cases the most detail from the forest as well as having the best depth and distance to it through perspective even though it is rough. I actually originally tried to get a more framed image with trees on the other side of the page but i had started by drawing the tree on the left to large so it cut off the other half. However this composition still looks nice to me.

This is actually the same shot as the one above but it was done before the above drawing as my hands were really cold and i was failing to get any motivation to draw so this was very loose and light because it was too cold to draw unless i bared with it so the above drawing was successfully done.

These two images are a rubbing of one of the trees in the woods the lower is the graphite rubbing while the above is the transfer of the wood moss and materials. I did the rubbing to get another aspect of the forest which i wouldn't get from the observational sketches, this is the textures of things such as the trees. In was thinking i could overlay these images with one of the illustrations in the future.

This is my second favourite drawing and it features the best perspective but not really any depth or detail like the first image. When looking at the shot the trees in the further background became more and more lost and confusing so i just tried to give the idea of a lot of trees.

Same as the above drawing i felt it was too cold to draw so i retried it resulting on the above drawing. This one has more of a stretch perspective and looked really flat and dull.

This is without a doubt my least favourite as its too loose and vague. Its really unclear as to what it actually is which is a branch in a puddle. I was unable to properly get across the depth of the ditch that the puddle had formed in and the leaves and branches of the fallen tree.

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